Constitutional reforms

Presidential candidate Alisher Qodirov: “Uzbekistan is open to the world”

At the meeting with voters of Fergana region, Alisher Qodirov, candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Democratic Party “Milliy...

Maqsuda Vorisova meets with Karakalpakstan voters

The presidential candidate from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Maqsuda Vorisova met with Karakalpakstan voters. The meeting was opened by the...

Osce odihr officially announced the opening of the presidential election...

Today the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) opened an election observation Mission (EOM) for the 24 October presidential...

Election of the president of uzbekistan

O‘zbekiston “Milliy tiklanish” demokratik partiyasining 26 avgust kuni bo‘lib o‘tgan VII syezdida Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik palatasi spikerining...

The rules of entry to uzbekistan in the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic

Based on the protocols of the Republican Special Commission for the preparation of an action plan for the prevention and spread of coronavirus in Uzbekistan,...

The consular section of the embassy will be closed on august 11, 2021...


The consular section of the embassy will be closed on july 21, 2021...

The Consular Section of the Embassy will be closed on July 21, 2021 (Wednesday), due to the celebration of the holiday “Qurbon Hayit”.

The investment potential of the regions of uzbekistan

Today in Uzbekistan priority is given to the creation of a favorable investment climate, benefits, and preferences for foreign capital, and the provision of...


1.   Electronic Visa A procedure for issuing an electronic Tourist Visa is established for citizens of 51 countries listed below COUNTRIES...

Promotion and protection of human rights

Seventy-second session Agenda item 72 Promotion and protection of human rights...

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Austria