The report presented on preparations for the Tashkent International Investment Forum

On April 29, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with a presentation on the progress of preparations for the Third Tashkent International Investment Forum.

The prestige and scale of this event continue to grow. If more than a thousand foreign guests from 56 countries came to the first forum in 2022, then this year almost 2.5 thousand people from 84 countries are expected to participate. Government representatives, heads of large companies, and distinguished guests from international organizations such as the UN, EBRD, OPEC, and SCO will be among them.

Thorough preparations for the forum were carried out in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade and relevant ministries have taken all necessary organizational measures.

The forum is a convenient platform for demonstrating the economic capabilities of Uzbekistan and concluding mutually beneficial agreements. The forum program includes more than 40 events, including sectional sessions, roundtable discussions, presentations and meetings of intergovernmental commissions. Several projects in Uzbekistan will also be launched.

The Head of state gave instructions to ensure a high level of organization of the forum and a full-scale demonstration of the investment potential of each industry and region.

In addition, on May 3, the second plenary session of the Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be held.

As is known, the Council, based on world experience and best practices, gives the government of Uzbekistan recommendations on the country’s most important areas of investment, industrial, technological, and innovative development. The upcoming meeting will discuss current issues of improving the investment climate and implementing promising projects.