Strategy of actions: results and prospects


The Strategy of Actions for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan along five priority areas in 2017-2021 marked a qualitatively new approach to the system of strategic planning of state and social development of the country.

As the starting mechanism for the practical implementation of the priority areas of strategic development, the state program “Year of dialogue with the people and of human interest” was approved.

Preliminary results show the effective implementation of the state program, including with the active involvement of foreign and international experts.

To date, as a part of the Strategy for Actions there were adopted 15 laws and more than 700 other regulatory and legal acts aimed at the development of all spheres of state and public life.

In particular, in the field of improving the system of state and public construction taking into account modern requirements, the structures, tasks and functions of 16 ministries, departments and other organizations, 20 state and economic management bodies, and other organizations were transformed.

The judicial and legal system was radically revised. A unified supreme body of the judiciary, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as administrative courts, which are subordinated to the consideration of administrative disputes arising from public law relations, as well as cases of administrative offenses, were created.

The system of internal affairs bodies was reformed, the main activity of which is aimed at securing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.

In the field of development and liberalization of the economy, tax system reforms were carried out, including the provision of tax holidays to taxpayers in good faith.

Within the framework of the regional programs of social and economic development, 13,339 projects were realized, loans for 2.1 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 18.08.2017, 1$= 4154.36 soums) were taken, 10 free economic zones and five small industrial zones were created, a factory for the production of light commercial vehicles under the brands Peugeot and Citroen is constructed.

In the social sphere, over 2,700 km of roads were built and repaired in the first half of this year alone, over 84,000 jobs were created.

The Program on construction and reconstruction of energy-efficient affordable apartment buildings in cities for 2017-2020 is being implemented, within which it is planned to erect 1,136 multi-storey buildings, consisting of 50,286 apartments, as well as 75 thousand dwellings in rural areas on the basis of standard projects.

In the field of ensuring interethnic harmony, the conduct of a balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy, a Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries was established under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

There were approved 22 roadmaps in trade, economic, investment, technological and financial-technical spheres with the European Union and 21 foreign countries.

The Center for Development Strategy jointly with other interested agencies organized a broad informing of the population, civil society institutions and the international community on the implementation of the Strategy of Actions. About 6 thousand meetings were organized in the field, TV programs and speeches in the media.

However, for a qualitative and advance planning of further reforms, an in-depth study of the results achieved in 2017 and planning of further reforms in 2018 is necessary.

In this regard, the commissions for the implementation of the priority areas of the development of the republic, as envisaged in the Strategy for Actions, together with the Center for Development Strategy, need to systematically analyze the results of the realization of the Strategy through August-September 2017 by collecting statistical and other data, by the study of regulatory acts and results of activity of state bodies of all levels, as well as organization of meetings, “round-tables”, polls, public discussions with wide involvement of representatives of civil society institutions, mass media, academia and foreign specialists.

Until December 1, 2017 to publish and disseminate the information and analytical review “Fulfillment of the state program for the implementation of the Strategy for Actions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan along five priority areas in 2017-2021 in the Year of dialogue with the people and human interests”.

It is necessary to prepare and summarize the current proposals for inclusion in the draft of the state program for the realization of the Strategy of Actions in 2018 which before November 10, 2017, it will be submitted to the National Commission for the Implementation of the Strategy. Moreover, these proposals will be considered only after their preliminary discussion with the general public.

Author: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper