The strengthening of families, mother and child health, upbringing of healthy and comprehensively advanced generation are the key priorities of the national program The Year of Healthy Mother and Child. More than 4.4 trillion soums and $111 million have already been invested for these purposes.
Life with comfort
Major construction has been in progress throughout the country. Towns and villages are getting more beautiful in full view. Most importantly, the large-scale transformations raise the living standards of the population, creating decent social, household and medical conditions.
By the end of the year, it is planned to complete the construction of 13,000 standard design houses concurrently with engineering, communication, social and market infrastructure. Over the years of the project implementation, several hundreds of thousands of families have been provided with modern and comfortable housing.
The provision of individual houses with electricity and natural gas has been of particular attention. The construction of 296.3 km of energy networks and 307.5 km of gas pipelines is currently underway. 1,300 km of water pipes are currently being built to supply the settlements with quality drinking water.
It is hard to imagine modern life without home appliances. The national program “The Year of Healthy Mother and Child” envisages the assistance for low-income families with purchasing household appliances. In particular, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions procures electrical appliances for 3,000 women from low-income families living in remote rural areas.
Young families are supported by means of mortgage loans for housing construction and renovation, purchase of household appliances. The central and commercial banks, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions work in this direction.
Health in the spotlight
The provision of health facilities with modern equipment has been underway. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has been attaching importance to the rational use of new technologies in strengthening people’s health. In order to make the ongoing measures even more effective, the medical workers are focused on the early revealing of diseases.
A Medical Nursing Month is currently underway across the country. It is the second rally this year to last until August 11. During the previous month on March 1 – April 1, more than 19 million people were covered with medical examination.
This time, it is planned to cover the same number of people. Appointments and examinations are carried out by over 30,000 general practitioners and visiting nurses, as well as hundreds of specialists in 30 areas of medicine.