Investitsiya loyihalari

JSC «Navoiyazot»

Joint Stock Company «Navoiyazot» – venture life and whose history is inextricably linked with the life and history of Uzbekistan. Every day of his passing, thousands of people…

Qisqacha ma'lumot

Manzil: Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi region, industrial zone in Navoi
Maydon: 892 hectares
Davlat aksiyasi: 52.92%
Investitsiya uchun mablag': 1 791,7 mln. USD
Galereya / video

Joint Stock Company «Navoiyazot» – venture life and whose history is inextricably linked with the life and history of Uzbekistan. Every day of his passing, thousands of people flock to. These are people of different professions, but they are from the head to the ordinary worker unites one thing, a love for this case.

Today JSC «Navoiyazot» is a dynamic multi-industrial complexes that having an international partner status, executes the program for the production of fertilizers, chemicals and other small-scale chemical production.

As one of the basic segments of joint stock company «Uzkimyosanoat», producing more than 30% of all chemical products in Uzbekistan, JSC «Navoiyazot» covers the needs of nearly all branches of industry, transport, agriculture, fuel and energy complex, as well as services, trade, science , culture and education.

One of the main objectives of the company is to meet the high standards of product quality and customer requirements, in connection with which we were among the first in the Republic have implemented the international quality management system, which is the guarantor of compliance with production schedules with the release of the product now and confirms its compliance with quality requirements articles and products, the ability of the enterprise specialists to manage production at the level of world standards, increases credibility, and its business reputation on the national and international levels.

Today the division AO «Navoiyazot» carried out a complete production cycle. It develops new technologies are being introduced automated production and control system, modernized the existing facilities, new production under construction.

Currently, the company has risen to a new level of development and is steadily moving forward in a market economy. In power, the progressive nature of engineering and technology, in pioneering courage scientifically sound ideas on cohesion, high professionalism of the workers and engineers of JSC «Navoiyazot» serves as a model for many businesses, as the pride of independent Uzbekistan.

The most important value of the company are highly qualified specialists, and therefore one of its main objectives indicates training, creation of conditions for sustainable growth of qualification and professionalism of employees. Considerable importance is attached to social policy aimed at improving efficiency, creating conditions for the social protection of workers and the stability of the team, there are about 10 thousand people.

Comprehensive care of children, their development and health, is the key to success in tomorrow gait. Looking at the future horizon and gradually forming a creative platform for the young generation, JSC «Navoiyazot» lovingly refers to his past. The subject of our concern – the most vulnerable segments of the population are pensioners, veterans and participants of the War and the labor front, the company veterans, people with disabilities and professional patients. They pay an annual financial assistance, they are able to relax and improve their health in establishments of sanatorium type. Humane, good attitude to the people, is a hallmark of JSC «Navoiyazot» and pawned it originally, from the very beginning.

Over the years, the staff of JSC «Navoiyazot» honorably withstood all the tests perfectly passed all the proposed life exams and if deduce the formula of success of the enterprise life, then it will be new technology, continuous development, product quality, management and reputation, the team – a team of associates from a simple worker to the head of the company, each of which can proudly say: JSC «Navoiyazot» – my destiny. These people have turned their work into a blooming Kyzylkum region, Navoi region – in good economic region, won the respect and gratitude of his people, his homeland – the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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