Uzbekistan: A Course for Continuing Intensive Reforms in Youth Policy

Uzbekistan is a country of youth. According to statistical data, about 60% of Uzbekistan’s population is under the age of 30. Thus, over 18 million residents of Uzbekistan are young people, and by 2040 this number could reach 25 million. This creates unique opportunities and specific challenges for the state in terms of providing education, employment, and social integration for the youth. On February 21 of this year, a Presidential Decree approved the State Program for the implementation of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” Strategy in the Year of Support for Youth and Business. It outlines a number of tasks aimed at addressing the problems faced by young people and realizing their potential.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has prioritized creating favorable conditions to ensure the rights and interests of the younger generation. This includes providing them with access to quality education, meaningful employment opportunities, and avenues to realize their talents and abilities. Significant efforts have been made in this direction as part of state policy.

A vivid confirmation of this is the adoption and consistent implementation of over 100 legislative acts concerning this sphere within a short period. The inclusion of specific articles on the rights and interests of the younger generation in the updated Constitution of Uzbekistan undoubtedly opens new opportunities for further strengthening the legal framework and elevating practical work in this area to a new level.

During the past period, a completely new vertical management system for working with youth has been established.

In all neighborhoods (mahallas) of the country, youth leaders are active. Thanks to this system, over 100 different opportunities have been created for youth within the neighborhoods.

A system called the “Youth Notebook” has been established, through which over 1.1 million young people have received assistance across
25 different areas totaling 1.3 trillion UZS. Specifically, tens of thousands of students from low-income families have had their tuition fees covered under fee-based contracts.

The number of higher educational institutions in the country has almost tripled, reaching 199, and enrollment has increased from 9 to
38 percent
. This expansion opens up extensive opportunities for youth to acquire modern knowledge and professions.

In the country, 210 youth industrial and entrepreneurial zones have been established, with 2,500 projects implemented amounting to 4 trillion UZS. As a result, the number of young entrepreneurs has doubled, surpassing 200,000.

In recent years, more than 750 young people who make a significant contribution to the prosperity of the Motherland have received state awards.

It is heartening that the youth of the country are effectively utilizing the opportunities provided and inspiring with their achievements in various fields.

For further effective implementation of State youth policy in Uzbekistan, it is necessary to continue effective reforms to create a solid organizational, legal and institutional framework.

First of all, work will continue to develop new constitutional norms on the rights of young people in existing legislation.

At the same time, in the coming period, special attention will be paid to the qualitative execution of tasks defined in the State Program on the implementation of the Strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” in the Year of Support for Youth and Business.

Thus, every region, ministry and department has begun to introduce a new approach to work with young people. The improvement of scientific and analytical work on the study of youth problems and the training of promising personnel is considered relevant.

Today, rapid measures are being taken to increase the number of young people learning foreign languages under the “Ibrat Farzandlari” project
to 1 million, and the number of young readers under the “Mutolaa” program up to 1.5 million. Additional infrastructure is being built in the regions for this purpose. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the creation of broader conditions for the meaningful organization of leisure activities and the realization of young people’s talents and abilities.

Thus, the systemic reforms carried out in Uzbekistan have led to significant achievements in the field of education and the spiritual, intellectual, physical and moral development of young people. The increase in the number of educational institutions, the improvement in the quality of education, the active participation of young people in scientific and cultural events, and the implementation of social projects – all this is evidence of positive changes and the strengthening of the foundations for the harmonious development of the younger generation.

Bekzod Jurabayev,
Chief scientific researcher of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute